10 New Items for Your California Bucket List

Updated: June 15, 2023
The following summarizes a third-party article written about Shasta County, California. Full article linked below.

California has so much to offer. One of the most unique experiences is visiting Lassen Volcanic National Park, located less than an hour’s drive from Redding.

“Lassen Volcanic National Park is the only place in the world to see all four different kinds of volcanoes”

— Bucketlist Publications

The park offers the opportunity to witness all four types of volcanoes in one place: cinder cones, composite volcanoes, shield volcanoes, and lava domes. Lassen Volcanic National Park boasts stunning mountain scenery reminiscent of Yosemite and fascinating thermal wonders similar to Yellowstone, but with fewer crowds. Visitors can explore geothermal features such as steam vents, mud pots, and hot springs. The park also offers naturally occurring lakes and the highest elevation road in the Cascade Mountain range.

While access to the park may be limited from December to May, it remains open year-round. In winter, visitors can enjoy cross-country skiing and snowshoe tours led by park rangers. During the warmer months, activities like hiking, stargazing, biking, and swimming are available in Redding.

Read the full article and see the other 9 items at: https://www.bucketlistpublications.com/2022/02/14/10-new-items-for-your-california-bucket-list-2/

About Shasta Economic Development Corporation
Shasta Economic Development Corporation is a 501(c)(3) public benefit corporation focused on growing, diversifying and maintaining a balanced economy, leading to more economic stability and sustainability for Shasta County.

Media Contacts:
Erik Janiszewski / Erik@ShastaEDC.org
Rebecca Baer / Rebecca@ShastaEDC.org

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